Quiz questions, also known as trivia questions, are short close-ended questions meant to test your understanding of the domain. Each question shouldn't take more than a minute or two to answer, however, further discussions can be spawned from your answers. Hence it's important to have good understanding of the concepts behind the answers you give and not blindly memorize and regurgitating.
, var
or const
works in JavaScript.Beyond getting asked on front end fundamentals (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), you could be asked on framework-specific questions if you claim to have knowledge of them (either verbally during interviews or when interviewers go through your resume):
There usually wouldn't be interview rounds just asking you solely quiz questions. However, interviewers could spring questions onto you while in the middle of interviews focused on other formats like coding and system design.
As you can see, you can be expect to be asked quiz questions in almost every possible round. Be prepared at all times.
Area | Topics |
HTML | Semantic HTML, Block vs inline elements, <head> , <script> , <style> , <link> , <form> , <input> , Form validation/submission |
CSS | Box model, Selectors, Specificity, Positioning, Units, Flexbox, Grid, Media Queries |
JavaScript | Data types, Scope, Closures, this , Variable declaration (var , let , const ), Array methods, Object methods, Promises, Classes, Async/Await |
DOM | DOM creation/manipulation/traversal, Event bubbling/capturing, Event delegation |
Runtime APIs | fetch , Storage (localStorage , sessionStorage ), Timers (setTimeout , setInterval ) |
There are a ton of concepts to cover which can feel really overwhelming. The good thing is that learning these concepts well will make you a better Front End Engineer regardless of whether you are actively interviewing or not.
We wouldn't recommend memorizing answers to quiz questions. It's best to truly understand the solution for each question and get some real world experience by using them in projects as it's usually easier to learn by doing.
GreatFrontEnd contains a list of over 100 common quiz questions with detailed solutions written for each of them.